Haultrucks from Rössing
Uranium Limited.
New Pictures
The pictures above were sent to
me by Alwyn Lubbe, Communications
Officer at
Rössing Uranium Limited
Thank you Alwyn.
Their sheer size is awesome, on the tyre
picture I have put in a small insert of
a man next to another haultruck, to
emphasize just how huge they are.
All the Haultrucks are Komatsu 180 tonne,
running on both diesel and electricity,
which is referred to as 'trolley
Electric shovels load the haultrucks
with rocks after each blast, the
haultrucks then take the uranium-bearing
ore to Primary Crushers.
The Primary Crushers are gyratory and
can reduce an entire haultruck's load to
pieces about 16cm [6.2"] in size in
plus/minus 10 minutes.
More about this process can be found
The Production Process
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