NG Express
Postnet Suite 124, Private Bag 13130, Humewood, Port Elizabeth
February 2010
REPORT BACK by Nerina Skuy.All I can say is WOW! The
Apple Express had a very good season - without a single
incident at Humewood Station!
Hats off to Manie (the Apple “man on the station”), Transnet
and the NMBM security services as their vigilance ensured
we did not add to any negative publicity or statistics over
the holiday season.
If you’ve been there lately you would have seen the "cosmetic
surgery" to the Humewood Station sign. We are currently
in the process of completing a Risk Management profile regarding
a new departure point for the Apple Express, but the finalisation
of the outcome would only be known further into the process.
The Apple Express saw an increase in passenger numbers in
comparison to the 2008/9 season period, despite the challenging
economic climate.
December 2008 – January 2009:
A total of 2235 passengers travelled over the December 2008
– January 2009 season. 1948 paying passengers on 17 trips
is an average of 115 passengers per trip. 146 tickets were
issued to non-paying passengers (toddlers and complimentary
vouchers to charity and NGO groups).
December 2009 – January 2010:
A total of 2402 passengers travelled over the December 2009
– January 2010 season. 2115 paying passengers on 15 trips
is an average of 141 passengers per trip. 287 tickets were
issued to non-paying passengers (toddlers and complimentary
vouchers to charity and NGO groups).
We embarked upon a specific strategy last year to attract
local (South African) tourists – our “bread and butter”
and it worked. We applaud the “stay at home” tourists from
Port Elizabeth who came to experience the Apple Express
– some came not once or twice, BUT thrice because it was
such a great experience!
The Marketing & Sales office – Travel Route 62 – handled
a challenging transition of new staff and increased enquiries
with aplomb… sometimes working till after 11pm on the night
before a train to accommodate late bookings and/or payments.
Thank you for your commitment and dedication.
A special thank you to Justin Wood who has done us proud
with his excellent reports and photographs documenting as
many trips as possible – the Apple express now has a regular
page (The Narrow Gauge Diary) in SA Rail, which as many
will know is distributed worldwide by subscription.
In closing I would like to quote from my favourite source
of wisdom – the Holy Bible – “Let’s not grow weary of doing
good…” because if we see doing duty on the Apple Express
as work, we can become weary. This is a wonderful legacy…
let’s see it as doing good!
Nerina Skuy

Passengers viewing the train bridge crossing.
THE PROPOSAL ……Report by Peter Burton
A couple of trips ago we had an occasion in the middle of
the Van Stadens Bridge.
It was noted earlier that one coach compartment had been
nicely decorated for the two occupying passengers.
While crossing the bridge a young chap suddenly dropped
down on bended knee and made a marriage proposal to his
young lady. The young lady accepted much to his delight
but amazingly the rest of the passengers so intent on looking
at the scenery, they did not notice the tender moment happening
in front of them. |
The following pictures tell a sad story of the Humewood
Road narrow gauge steam depot. What looks like earthquake
damage is in actual fact the slow destruction of the
old steam workshop sheds by both weather and vandalism.
The Apple Express Company does not have the financial
capacity to maintain these buildings as well as looking
after its main objective of restoring narrow gauge rolling
stock. Transnet who own the buildings are not interested,
as they only see the area as a prime site for future
upmarket development. Latest observations are that the
buildings are already in the process of being demolished.
Let us hope that at least the elevated water supply
tank for the steam locomotives may be spared. Who knows
maybe in a hundred years time the depot will be resurrected
as a historical site by some enterprising business person.

Just after I had written the above a relevant article
appeared in The Herald newspaper. Here is an extract:-
“Transnet Chief
Executive Chris Wells has told a parliamentary committee
…..a detailed report on the future of branch lines would
be released shortly…....The branch line plan will spell
out how Transnet plans to concession the routes and
it has already called for transaction advisers for this
As far as Port Elizabeth is concerned much of the focus
will fall on the Apple Express.
The narrow gauge railway is not regarded as viable for
Transnet although it carries 31 500 tons of freight
In a bid to save the line and expand its freight and
tourist operation, the East Cape Transport Dept. has
established a R62 Corridor Development Working Group.
The objective is to keep the line operational……
The Provincial Transport Dept. has also drawn up plans
for the development of a major transport hub at the
derelect Humewood narrow gauge terminal site, providing
an interace for road, rail, air and sea traffic, which
could serve as a major tourist destination and transport
Let us hope that the bid to save the line is implemented
soon because even now things on the Patensie section
of the line are not looking so good. Because of vandalism
and theft the Gamtoos – Patensie branch line has been
closed to rail traffic. Sometime ago after an inspection
of the line, it was discovered that fishplates had been
removed on a section of the line. These were replaced
but a recent inspection has revealed that the fishplates
have once again been stolen as well as plenty of steel
sleepers. Presumably having been sold for scrap.
Unfortunately the sentiments expressed in the
last newsletter about having NG 15 No. 124 ready
for steaming as soon as possible did not materialise.
Problems with obtaining parts and getting parts
made have seen work on the loco all but cease.
The main parts needed before work can continue
are the steam header and fifteen superheater
elements. It was hoped that some of the old
elements could be rescued and refurbished but
in the end it was decided to use new piping
instead. Hopefully work on the locomotive can
resume in the near future.

Originally six narrow gauge diesel locomotives
were put up for tender sale. It was
rumoured that Australia had secured
the successful bid but then for some
reason the deal was cancelled. Instead
some of the locomotives that were earmarked
for disposal have been sold to someone
in Gauteng (Johannesburg) for possible
sale to the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Presumably they will be re-gauged for
use on their railway system.


The restoration of passenger
coach no. 82 has been completed
and is back in service. Thanks
go to Piet Van Rooyen, the resident
coach builder and his enthusiastic
band of helpers. They have produced
a first class restoration job
on this coach. It was originally
used as a 3rd Class coach with
cramped and uncomfortable seats.
The inside has been redesigned,
with the use of a more comfortable
bench style seating arrangement.
The outside colour scheme has
been painted in the old SAR
colours for use on a special
consist to be used for special
rail tours for steam enthusiasts.
Also as part of a special mixed
train consist for rail tours,
refurbishment of some freight
wagons is being carried out.
The wagons being worked on are
an original insulated fruit
carrying wagon and an old cattle

Cattle and fruit wagons being
(Some of the inside insulation
can be seen on the inside of
the open door in the above picture).
In the workshop 3rd Class passenger
coach no. 83 is currently being
refurbished. This coach is a
sister to coach 82 but was in
a worse condition. The interior
was painted in an unsightly
pale green colour and all the
wooden seats were unpadded and
extremely uncomfortable to sit
on. Like coach 82 it will be
stripped and rebuilt in a similar
comfortable padded seating arrangement.
U.S.A. VISIT ………… Report
by Peter Burton Earlier in October 2009 I had
been approached by a group of six American railway
enthusiasts for a possible tour of the Apple Express
operation. It turned out that the group were in
fact Directors of the Indiana Railroad Company who
would be visiting South Africa during January 2010.
They were interested in riding on the Apple Express
behind a steam locomotive. Unfortunately no train
was scheduled on the day that they would be in Port
Elizabeth and also it was pointed out to them that
because of the prevailing drought, no steam power
would have been available.
However because of their enthusiasm and high profile
status a steam shunting operation was arranged between
the diesel depot and the Baakens River terminus.
Loco 119 was in any case due for a test run. The
group also enjoyed a tour of the workshops to see
work in progress on loco no. 124 and on passenger
coach no. 83. During discussions, they became interested
in the suggestion that the 1916 American Baldwin
loco NG10 no. 16 be returned to the Apple Express
line, its original home. The loco is currently undergoing
restoration in the Sandstone Estates workshops in
Bloemfontein. They also suggested that they could
possibly assist with fund raising in the USA for
the completion of the loco and transport costs to
return the loco to the Avontuur line.
Editor: Clive