Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC) Photos

Armoured Vehicle Photos Page 3 - Ratel

New Photos 01-11-2009

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Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel IFV - AAD 2008 - DvdB
Ratel 20 - Bax Model
Ratel 20 - Bax Model - DW
Ratel-20 Armoured Vehicle
Ratel on train - Durban - DC
Left (91A) is a Ratel-20.  Check the turret. See how the command turret sticks out with little windows around it. This is so the Vehicle commander (section leader normally) can see out when they are buttoned up. The one to the right front of the pic is a "Bev" Ratel (Command). Notice that the hatches look almost flat. This is because both turret positions must offer a view out. In the Ratel-20, the gunner looks through his sight so doesn't need view-blocks. For the Bev ratel both occupants of the turret might need to see what is outside.. Would normally mount a 12.75 Browning..
Ratel-20 & Bev Ratel - SAI 1 Vehicle Park - JD
Ratels - SAI 1 Vehicle Park
Ratel-20s - SAI 1 Vehicle Park - JD
Inside the turret Ratel-20
Ratel-20 Inside Turret - JD
Ratel-20 Fire extinguisher set up
Ratel-20 Fire Ext set up - De Brug - 2003 - JD
Ratel-20 drivers compartment
Ratel-20 Drivers Comp - De Brug - 2003 - JD
Ratel-20 Armoured Vehicle
Ratel-20 - De Brug - 2003 - JD
Ratel-20 - De Brug
Ratel-20 - De Brug - 2003 - JD
Ratel-20 Armoured Vehicle
Ratel-20 - De Brug - 2003 - JD
Ratel-20 Armoured Vehicle
Ratel-20 - De Brug - 2003 - JD
Ratel-20's Alpha and Bravo Sections perform Dummy Drills on the crest as they engage the enemy in a platoon attack.
Ratel-20 - De Brug - 2003 - JD
Ratel-20 Armoured Vehicle
Ratel-20 - De Brug - 2003 - JD
Ratel-20 Armoured Vehicle
Ratel-20 - De Brug - 2003 - JD
Ratel-20 Armoured Vehicle
Ratel-20 - De Brug - 2003 - JD
Ratel-20 Armoured Vehicle
Ratel-20 - De Brug - 2003 - JD
Ratel, Hermanus Freedom of the City, 2006.  Photo Danie van den Berg
Ratel - Hermanus - DvdB
Ratel, Hermanus Freedom of the City, 2006.  Photo Danie van den Berg
Ratel - Hermanus - DvdB
Ratel, Hermanus Freedom of the City, 2006.  Photo Danie van den Berg
Ratel - Hermanus - DvdB
Ratel, Hermanus Freedom of the City, 2006.  Photo Danie van den Berg
Ratel - Hermanus - DvdB
Ratel, Hermanus Freedom of the City, 2006.  Photo Danie van den Berg
Ratel - Hermanus - DvdB
Ratel, Hermanus Freedom of the City, 2006.  Photo Danie van den Berg
Ratel - Hermanus - DvdB
Ratel ZT3 - AAD 2006 - DK
Ratel ZT3, AAD 2006.  Photo Danie van den Berg
Ratel ZT3 - AAD 2006 - DvdB
Ratel ZT3 Anti Tank Armoured Vehicle
Ratel ZT3 Anti Tank - Tempe - PD
Ratel ZT-3
Ratel ZT-3 - Tempi - CD
Ratel ZT-3 specs
Ratel ZT-3 Specs
Operation Ice Bear ll - 2001
Operation Ice Bear II - JD
Operation Ice Bear ll - 2001
Operation Ice Bear II - JD
Operation Ice Bear ll - 2001 minus 12°
Operation Ice Bear II minus 12° - JD

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