Spier Vintage Train Coaches

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Ex SAR - 82
Ex NRZ No 129
Ex NRZ 239 - Built 1953
Ex NRZ 242
Ex NRZ 1091 - Metro Cammell - England
Ex NRZ 2088 - Metro Cammell - England
Ex NRZ 4065 - The Gloucester Railway Carriage &
Wagon Co Ltd - England
Ex NRZ 4082 - The Gloucester Railway Carriage &
Wagon Co Ltd - England
Ex NRZ 4087 - The Gloucester Railway Carriage &
Wagon Co Ltd - England
Ex NRZ 4098 - The Gloucester Railway Carriage &
Wagon Co Ltd - England
Ex NRZ 4101
Ex NRZ 4112 - The Gloucester Railway Carriage &
Wagon Co Ltd - England
Ex NRZ 4933 - Still to be restored

Spier Vintage Train

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